About Curators Of Change CIC
Our reason for being is not easy to define. It is simple enough on many levels. Good human relationships, honest conversations, and a willingness to be vulnerable at the core of what we do.
Taking inspiration from our years of experience, lived, professional, life and more, and a little bit of pirate… We may be a minority, but we know how to have an impact.
We don’t bring a magic formula, any life changing toolkits, or visions or strategies, we bring ourselves and our experiences, and various shipmates we have connected with on the way.
We are vulnerable, curious and courageous being willing to work outside of the confines of current system and process driven ways of brining about change – choosing deliberately to focus on the relational BEFORE the transactional way of doing things.
We want to know WHY you want to do things differently before we can even begin to understand HOW or WHAT you will do…
Then we want to sail alongside you, bringing with us a bit of rebellion, a willingness to support rule breaking, telling stories old and creating the new.
We’ve seen the tangible results of being alongside others on their journey of coproduction.
As we travel, the scenery changes, trusting relationships and hope grow, people’s mental health and confidence improves and they feel that progress.
We also notice that those involved ‘feel’ that people who work and manage in organisations, actually care and really do want to work collaboratively without hidden agendas.
We believe that co-production is an effective way we can lift the most marginalised voices and begin to tackle social justice questions.
Co-production is not the ‘easiest’ path because its opens space for diverse views, its based on acts of trust and needs long term investment. Coproduction forces us to challenge our assumptions and takes all of us into our growth and uncertainty zone. In times that feel chaotic and out of control – these skills and approaches are vital for helping us light the path and navigate together.

We believe that (OUR CODE):
People matter more than process.
We can all learn from stories of real life, and this forms our operational practice.
It is important to amplify diverse voices, by learning from stories together.
Everyone should look for ways to address imbalances in power.
Becoming genuinely effective allies of all people subject to any form of racism warrants effort: we are working on learning as much as we can.
Everyone has something to contribute and all contributions bring value.
Coproduction generates positive change.