Be More Human
Real Care Deal

Doing things differently

our values

Our core values are deeply ingrained in everything we do, and they drive our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Constant Support

We always monitor the outcomes of our clients

Person centered

Keeping on track with what our clients want.


Attention to detail with comms

Supported setup

Get help with a dedicated support Manager.

Support Tracker

Supercharge your care with Support Tracker.

Verified Care

Making sure our staff work to the standards agreed in your care plan.

" We believe in working together to find the solution that works best for you "

From reasonable adjustments to big life changes, we strive to empower organizations that share our commitment to excellence.


Information and advice and support specific to communities – focus on building community and connection.

Currently it’s all about what can be put in place for you, not about what the community can do to support each other.


The role of people in senior positions is one that should be grounded in peoples human experiences. 

How does listening to this story make you feel?

What is your response to this story?


Ethical Framework!!!!! We asked people what they thought an Ethical Framework was… Kenny sums it up here! 

One of the reasons it has become The Real Care Deal – as this makes more sense to people.


What would you like to see difference…

I don’t want people to teach me how to be neuro-typical, I want to be comfortable to be me! 


The importance of listening to people, and understanding the importance of trusting, transparent and consistent support. 

It pays to meet the individual on their level without judgement.


The system feels like a forcefield to people trying to access the support they need. 

People are trapped and not treated with dignity and respect – Treat them like actual human beings.


Hear What Our People Have to Say!

Hear from the many individuals who have taken part of this work and what they have to say.

Be More Human

The role of people in senior positions is one that should be grounded in peoples human experiences.

Be More Human

Our Approaches

A good life is a holistic concept that encompasses various aspects

Over A Brew

A lot can be achieved by having conversations…

Healthy Activity

Engaging in regular exercise and physical activity is crucial for maintaining good…

Help with activities

Giving a person a sense of purpose and things to look forward to can reduce poor mental health.

Positive Emotional

A good life is not just about physical well-being but also about mental and…

Curators of Change