Key Brew Indicators

Key Brew Indicators

Key Brew Indicators are being launched at this years National Childrens and Adults Social Care Conference #NCASC23 . This idea was inspired by a community organisation in Sheffield who said they know how successful we have been by counting how many tea bags have been used at the end of each month! It got me (Cat) thinking – maybe we could find a way to monitor Brew Time – and so the idea of Key Brew Indicators started to grow.


Much of our work as an organisation is centred around human connection and relationships – and being alongside one another, infused with the principles of one of our favourite movments Camerados, which includes not fixing ; creating spaces with no agenda where we can get to know each other for who we are.

Over A Brew – ADASS East

What is Over A Brew?

Over A Brew is a monthly meeting held by ADASS East and features a forum where individuals who work for ADASS and those who use the services within the region come together as a think tank to openly discuss and navigate common issues that people face to work together to find solutions to make things better. 


Curators of Change have been working with ADASS East and people from across the region to co-produce commitments for local authorities to test and learn different ways of working with each other. 

Visit the Over A Brew website for more information